Home! What a nice campsite!


We’ve been home just over a week and… well… we like it. The trailer is only partly unpacked and everywhere we look there are projects, projects and more projects. But, unlike our previous visits, we have time. As thrilling as our first day home was, day 2 was a bit frightening. This is no visit. This is the real deal. We live here. What will that be like? Will we be happy here? Only time will tell but the fear has faded and all of us, animals included, are settling in quite nicely. Our first projects were to buy the flat screen television that Steve has been patiently waiting for, and a piece of furniture to put it on. That’s accomplished and just like coming home, it is even better than expected. The picture is beautiful and when there’s nothing on TV, it serves as “wall art”, displaying photos of people and places we love in a slideshow. Grace and Emmett live and in person would be much preferred, but seeing them larger than life on the living room wall is sweet too!

Steve with his new tv

As much as we’re loving being home, we love camping. So, it seems right to make our house the most comfy campsite yet. Washing machine fire pits are “the thing” at Seacliff Beach and when I noticed an old washing machine drum outside the shop at Helen and Bob’s I was excited. Helen said it “came with the ranch” and promptly gave it to us. Then in Montana we hit the mother lode of vintage tractor seats, treasures that I had been lusting after ever since sitting on an old plow at Beanie and Jim’s property over a year ago. We dragged those, and some old milk jugs, home too. Some might find it odd to have a camp fire ring in your front yard but it feels just right to us.

But what’s missing in our campsite? Could it be you? Visitors, please!


2 thoughts on “Home! What a nice campsite!

  1. Mom

    Nice surprise this afternoon! Now I understand why Steve
    was so excited to have computer on TV! That is pretty
    great to have photos flashing. I am glad you are feeling
    so comfy. With camping fire, etc. in front yard I am not
    sure you will use your new deck in the back. Your new
    furniture is beautiful. Good to see Steve also! I want
    to hold Gracie like that again but that may not ever be
    possible again the way they are growing! Thanks so much
    for the update you made my day. AND I want to be a vistor!

  2. Kim Fryer

    Eeep! For a moment, I thought that was SNOW!
    Yes…the old tractor seat lawn furniture! We had a whole set in Montana which were mounted on old steel washing machine agitators. They were quite stylish.

    BTW-I want to get Steve’s “recipe” for his fresh roast coffee.
    Glad you are settling in!

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